"End of Linux kernel configuration. Check the top-level Makefile for additional configuration. Next, you may 'make bzImage', 'make bzdisk', or 'make bzlilo.'"
label $w.bm -bitmap info
pack $w.bm $w.m -pady 10 -side top -padx 10
wm title $w "Kernel build instructions"
set oldFocus [focus]
frame $w.f
button $w.f.back -text "OK" \
-width 10 -command "exit"
pack $w.f.back -side bottom -pady 10 -anchor s
pack $w.f -pady 10 -side top -padx 10 -anchor s
focus $w
global winx; global winy
set winx [expr [winfo x .]+30]; set winy [expr [winfo y .]+30]
wm geometry $w +$winx+$winy
# Next set up the particulars for the top level menu, and define a few